Artillery Magazine
Claudia Parducci + Melinda Gibson
by Eve Wood | Mar 12, 2015
Claudia Parducci
Doomed (You and Me), 2012
oil and foil on canvas,signed on verso
60 x 72 inches
Claudia Parducci currently has three stunning paintings up at Sloan Projects at Bergamot Station, paintings that straddle the chasm between landscape and psychological terrain, works that are as much about evacuation as they are about prescience. Works like Doomed (you and me), (2012) balance a series of Morse code transmissions atop a backdrop that is at once bleak yet strangely fragile. Ice comes to mind—majestic, yet slowly slipping away. Also on view, Melinda Gibson’s small, elegant photo montages encapsulate narratives in visual space that suggest human relationships that are constantly shifting, yet never fully consummated.
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