Art LTD.
2016 Top Tens
by Shana Nys Dambrot, February 1, 2017
Los Angeles
1) Sloan Projects, “Kelly Berg: Divergent Earth”
Spiky and opalescent landscape disaster fantasies of impasto and line.
2) Edward Cella Art + Architecture, “Jun Kaneko: Mirage”
Epic showmanship in an arching Op Art painted masterpiece and contrapuntal sculpture.
3) Meliksetian Briggs, “Tim Berresheim: Aus Alter Wurzel Neue Kraft”
Digital surrealism by turns painterly, gestural, appropriationist, and darkly poetic.
4) Charlie James Gallery,
“Erika Rothenberg: House of Cards”
Restaged 1992 social satire installation of drawings biting, blithe and salient as ever.
5) Honor Fraser, “Annie Lapin: Watchers and Winks”
Risky merging of dimensional fields, interior and exterior spaces, nature and invention.
6) 1301PE, “Fiona Banner”
Vintage typewriter as both found sculpture and interactive sound installation with takeaway artifact.
7) Klowden Mann, “Bettina Hubby: The Sexual Bronze Show”
Small detail-rich bronzes of hilariously ordinary objects in unlikely pairs and suggestive photo-collages.
8) Cherry and Martin, “Tony de los Reyes: tecate dawn, tijuana noon, calexico supermoon”
Distorted landscapes embody shifting psychological terrains of liminal and literal border regions.
9) Vacancy, “Tim Sullivan: Lawns of Dawns”
Black carbon sands cradling an Ozymandian display of hand-wrought relics of dreams, jokes, and memories.
10) Sprüth Magers: “Hanne Darboven”
Confounding and engaging personalized historical catalogue of 20th century lifestyles.
Jan/Feb 2017 v. 11 no.1
Kelly Berg
Rainbow Obsidian, 2016
ink, and metallized abs on wood,signed by the artist on verso, unique
35.5 x 35.5 inches